I haven’t worn boots in years. I was so excited to receive my boots, they fit so well! They were that comfortable I wore them for 4 hours at a social! I didn’t want to take them off 🙂 – Philomena

So worth wait, to have my own boots customized to my needs.
Thanks L&R Belts and Boots – Anna

Hi you beautiful people- my boots arrived yesterday, I am in LOVE! They are a perfect fit- even over my dodgy right foot!

I love the softness of the upper leather, so soft and supple. Best Boots Ever! – Julie

Cinderella is proof that a great pair of Shoes can change your life. – Cinderella

Well, season five for Sansa was probably her roughest. It was about her escaping Ramsay [Bolton] and going on the run. For the first time in Sansa’s life, she wasn’t properly groomed. For the first time, her hairstyle wasn’t emulating anyone else’s in Westeros; it was just sad and greasy and messy and had snow all in it. It was just disgusting. It was easier for the hair and makeup people if I just didn’t wash it, rather than them putting grease in it.